Martin is a life long slalom skater and renowned snowboard instructor who may also be in charge of your flight crew if you are on a Delta flight!
I met Martin many years ago skating in Hove, UK and we have been friends since. I’m delighted to have this high speed Gentleman on the team and representing Decent Hardware where ever he goes!
For your viewing pleasure – Dropping soon, a ‘Slalom around the World’ video, a video shot over a 12 month period, featuring skate footage from 8 US cities, Paris, London and Amsterdam!
A little bit of info from the man himself –
Set Up/quiver : Signature model Gecko SLE 30″ for slalom, Custom designed Hybrid/GS 34″ odel for longer courses. Both boards with FYRE Trucks and whichever Abec 11 wheels will allow me to smoke the course! Custom Munchh Longboard, Holey Trucks and Seismics. Always Khiro bushings and hardware and Nitro Bearings
Skate styles you enjoy : All forms of racing, Longboard cruising etc. Love watching smooth or aggro Pool skaters!
Favourite things : I love music, mostly Garage, House, Electronic…Rap ‘n Reggae!
DH products you use : I still LOVE my DH Camo shorts, proud to wear them on the podium! The Body bag for International trips and when you “have to kill every mutha in the room”, Park Bag for stealthier missions and normal sk8 sessions when the Kitchen Sink is not required.
Russell is an experience! A huge hearted fun loving family man and skateboarding Animal. Whatever the terrain, whatever the day Russell is the Man that makes the session. He is also a great personal friend and perfect ambassador for our sprit here at Decent Hardware. He lives in Bend Oregon now with partner Renee and son Cash. “I’m riding an 8.5 OMA on Indi 159’s with whatever bearings I can find that I haven’t busted yet. With Pi wheel size 56.5(no shit) and I like to be blurred in photos and take long walks in the forest.” Pics thanks to Coburn Huff.
Jean is a lot of things to a lot of people! Mother, inspiration, friend, singer, ripping pool skater and scene motivator to name a few. From the surf scene in Ocean City to the Arizona desert and over to the West Coast she is a wave of enthusiasm at every session. Jean and her husband Steve took me in as a stray when I first skated in America and kept me for 3 months! They are as much family to me as my own blood and I am extremely proud that Jean reps & uses Decent Hardware everywhere she rolls!
Jessica was born in Jakarta, and Indonesian athlete at Manila’s SEA Games 2019
Just a couple of shots to show that I bleed, brake and bruise with you lot!
Copyright 2006–2025 Decent Hardware. All rights reserved. The best skateboard bags, longboards, & electric board bags.